Monday, May 14, 2007

The Sesquid......never mind!

There was this person called 'Sharif' waho was a student at the SEC/CHSE. This idiot had a problem with most of his teachers. The man was, as expected, a Mr.Know-it-All!
[But the idiot does not even know how to use the 'husnoonu' in Dhivehi. Poor, poor, demented little boy who satisfies himself in more than one way on the Internet!]
Anyway, this little boy is best known for his perfect hindsight. When someone does something creative, he begins to feel pangs of jealously. He says, "I should have done that. I should have had that idea. I should have left my onan---- on the PC and concentrated on doing something worthwhile"
Then he begins to write something against the person who had bettered him.
The problem is that 99.89% of all human beings out there, including the psychotic, the insane, the morons, the legally blind and the spastics, are all better than him.
Poor, poor, demented Gwyciar-Sharif!!!!!!!!!!


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